We demand Metro build the C-Line (Green Line) Extension to Torrance elevated down Hawthorne Boulevard (Alternative 2e). Metro may have the right-of-way but as residents we have the right of say! And we say "No on ROW and Yes on Hawthorne!"
Our Goal: The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority is currently deciding between extending the Green Line commuter train through 40 blocks of residential neighborhoods along the Harbor Subdivision ROW (Alternative 1), or elevated along the center of Hawthorne Boulevard, a commercial avenue (Alternative 2e). As residents of Lawndale, Redondo Beach, and Torrance, we demand Metro say NO ON ROW and YES ON Hawthorne!
Contact the Metro Board of Directors, Metro and your City Council, and share this information with all your neighbors. We can put a stop to this with your help!
Alternative 1 would destroy our community.
If the Metro Board of Directors chooses to extend the Green Line through the Harbor ROW Subdivision with Alternative 1, there will be constant commuter trains running through the backyards of thousands of residents every 6 min- spreading noise and air pollution, damaging foundations through vibration, and plummeting home values. It would mean the destruction of the Harbor ROW green belt. There are also huge safety concerns, as trains would be running past schools and parks where children play with a ton of utilities and trains shoved in a narrow corridor including: two metro rail lines, 5+ high pressure oil and jet fuel pipelines, and a major oil/gas freight transportation line that has a history of destructive accidents.